
(în perioada 20 septembrie 2020 - 20 aprilie 2021 curatorul acestei rubrici este Mircea Albuţiu)

Susana Paiva | 1970, Mozambique. Currently living in Lisbon, Portugal.
I am a photographer.
I've became a photographer over the past 30 years, which were years full of learning and doubts. I've built my singularity through constant research and experimentation, discovering my pace, comfort zone and favourite subjects. Today I know I'm a slow photographer that requires time for contemplation, for installation in a certain space or interaction with a certain subject. I have discovered that I am a photographer that needs to be close to the subject, to create emotions - to move and to be moved - to share generously the photographic projects and the ideals. I understand now that I am pushed by an immense need to transfigure the reality and to browse the poetic fragments in everyday life, that photography became my first language, gradually replacing the primal word in my interaction with the world. Today I know that is only when I share the images I create, as well as the passion I have for photography, that I am fulfilled, not only as a professional but most importantly as a human being.

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