Whether there are four, or four hundred, four thousand, forty thousand or four hundred thousand, whether God exists or not, whether He bore witness to how they suffered right next to the alcohol stench of the brute or not, whether they ended up murdering him, or just wishing him dead, whether some of them grew up under the same roof, or most had never even seen each other, it matters not, the drunken and depraved father ties them up. Some of them relive the nightmare, others pray in monasteries or in prisons, well, regardless of where they are in the world, they are all Karamazov's kind.

(Translated by Marta Fulga / University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year II / Corrected by conf. dr. Daria Protopopescu / Edited by Silvia Petrescu, coordinator of the translations)

Real Fiction is a collective project started in 2013 by Florin Piersic Jr. The concept of Real Fiction continued to exist as a Facebook group, after a volume of stories was published at Humanitas Publishing House. (In October 2022, the group has 9,400 members.) The authors write ultra-short stories, with the texts limited to 500 characters (in Romanian, so the length of the English translation might be a little different) - a flash-fiction exercise on a topic that changes every few days. The group's coordinators are Florin Piersic Jr., Gabriel Molnar, Răzvan Penescu, and Luchian Abel. (Drawing by Adrian T. Roman)

Versiunea în română a acestui text se poate citi aici, în rubrica Ficțiuni Reale.

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