Ana Maria Dobre-Nir
She crawled on her stomach. Everywhere around there were only bodies and rubble. She was breathing heavily and avoiding being seen by the Rogies, the bird-soldiers of the Occupants. In their eyes, humans and rats were food all the same. Her heart was beating fast and she couldn't feel her legs anymore. There were only a few dozen people left on the whole planet. Uma didn't have any wish to survive but without realizing she continued to crawl. She was often imagining how her last moment would be like. She just hoped to see her parents. To feel like a child. The end to have the taste of an amandine.
Marian Bircea
Beautiful girl, the peasant one from the thorp. I was so fond of her that I couldn't keep away. I dared to walk her home over the fields but there was another competitor for her heart that had a Russian bicycle. Oh boy, I forger to get som' bread, can you get et \'or me? I'll give you some. How much you want. And I rushed into town. Going downhill is easy, uphill is harder. When I reached the end of the world, the other one was returning on his bicycle, whistling happily. But as a man of word, I took the bread to her with a heavy heart. It was getting dark and she had a headache. Leav' as it's getting late.
Cristian Nedelcu
It must have been over fifty years since he promised her that he would go with her to the end of the Earth. They had been through a lot together, both bad and good things, raised six children who are now adults living in the city. But now she was resting on the top of the hill, beneath the old walnut tree. That was the place where she had asked to be buried when she was on her deathbed. It was quite a long way to go but Nichifor came every Sunday after the service to sit and chat with his old woman. You have a little more patience, Radina. I'm comin' \'cause I won't leave you waiting in vain.
(Translated by Ioana Bobeanu / University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I / Corrected by Silvia Petrescu, coordinator of the translations)
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