Iulia Biro
Look, grandpa, I wrote my first com, com. Mommy, how's that word? Composition, I heard mom saying, from the kitchen. Com-po-si-tion, the boy says. Written on the notebook, grandpa sees: Coiny is happy. Tobay he went happy to school. He bibn't get upset not even for receiving homework or for getting an 8 on calligraphy, when Morar Alexanbru got a 10. Coiny founb out that tobay after school granbpa will come anb visit. He will stay for a few bays, Coiny and granbpa will play and will go out on walks and will eat ice cream. Granbpa knows stories. Coiny is in the seconbgrabe and knows how to write.
Camil Popescu
Ion has been living in misery for a long time. He was so poor, that even the rats who invaded the neighbourhood were passing by his house. One night he dreamt of picking a coin off of the ground and that was the sign that he will get rich. A month went by, then two, then six. Ion was still poor, but he didn't lose his hope. He knew that the sun will rise for him too. And he was right. One morning he saw a bag filled with money. He pulled on it enough to take it from the hands it was attached to. He also gave the man a Glasgow Kiss.
Florina Hegedüs
In the house with the ivy fence live three generations, grandma being a little over a hundred. She laughs a lot. Since they found out I'm off the edge, she and mom are hiding, and crying and, sometimes, they whisper around. One evening, they both came in my room and asked me to flip a coin. If it's heads, I would get better. I let out a ravenous laughter hearing such bullshit. I flipped it. Day after day, test after test and, amazingly, I'm fine. At home, I wanted to caress the coin. The bastard had two heads.
(Translated by Andreea Sorana Oltean / University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I / Corrected by Silvia Petrescu, coordinator of the translations)
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