Ionuț Morariu
In the art of murder, the line between the possible and the impossible, between what you can kill and what can kill you, is drawn with a thick line. It was obvious. And Lee wasn't blind. But now that was exactly the problem. Right in front of him, there was the most delightful being that has ever stepped into heels. Like a stag in the light of a headlight, he couldn't take his eyes away from the lips where every word became a song. Only the brain, scratched vinyl, repeated the first command in capital letters. Do not kill a singing bird.
Aurelian Țolescu
One of my colleague's father was known as the only pilot who managed to get an airplane out of tailspin, that accelerated, twisted, almost impossible-to-stop fall. His relationship with the plane was perfect, they were a whole, the factory with wings made itself understood and then let itself be dominated by the pilot. What buttons and handles should be operated, skilfully and courageously, when the relationship between two people who love each other goes like airplanes in tailspin, especially when, both, consider themselves pilots?
Monica Bologa
I try to open my eyes, it feels like I have a stone on each of my eyelids. I get a message: Surprise, I'll be there in five. I jump out of bed, run to the bathroom, stumble over the threshold, I scream in pain, I don't even have time to shower, not even to wash my hair, I won't even mention shaving, I splash water on my face, under my arms, I spray some perfume on myself, I take a mouthful of Listerine, I run around the house like a drunk chicken, I see myself in the mirror and I get scared of myself. The doorbell rings like crazy. I'm still standing against the door, naked, with messy hair and strong minty breath.
(Translated by Eliza Radu / University of Bucharest, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, MTTLC, year I / Corrected by Silvia Petrescu, coordinator of the translations)
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